Read The Exciting Story Below:
From: Chip McDaniel
Thomson, Illinois
Feb 4, 2021
Dear Friend,
You've undoubtedly seen the headlines. There's an alarming trend sweeping across the nation. In community after community, Americans are being denied their God-given rights to healthy, wholesome food.
For years fermented foods have been one of the government's favorite targets. In some cases officials have confiscated or have halted fermented food production despite the benefits of fermented foods. Bureaucrats have even shut down food stands at farmers' markets.
Even consumers have been targeted. Let a farmer deliver good, healthy fermented food to your driveway, and you could find yourself in serious hot water!
All over the country, farmers and food producers are being arrested
for selling fermented foods.
In fact, millions of Americans count on wholesome farm foods to stay healthy... but one by one, the people who provide these artisanal foods are being picked off by the authorities.
It's all in the name of "safety," but you and I both know that's a bunch of hooey. It isn't about safety at all. Let's face it, fermentation microbiology has been understood and utilized for thousands of years. Truth is, civilizations have thrived on fermented foods.
You see, there's one type of food the food cops can't eradicate completely. For millennia, feremented foods have been a staple in the diets of hundreds of cultures... and a cornerstone of radiant health. And while governments may try to eliminate the commercial sales of fermented foods, you can easily make them at home, perfect legally... and away from their prying eyes.
For anyone who believes in self-reliance and personal responsibility, this type of food really is a no-brainer.
Here's why:
Unlike most of the foods you buy at the store today, fermented foods requires no chemical preservatives, no special machinery, no special temperatures, no expensive equipment... and no refrigeration or electricity of any kind!
In fact, it's as low-tech today as it was thousands of years ago. And that's precisely what makes it such an exceptional super-food.
Understanding The Benefits Of Fermented Foods Will Unlock A Whole New World
I'm talking about understanding the true benefits of fermented foods... and whether you've heard of fermentation before or not, you'll want to keep reading, because the information I'm about to share will blow your mind.
Fermented foods have even been used in traditional medicine because of some very well-known healing properties.
Traditional medicine's history... demonstrates that it can reverse allergies, clear up persistent skin problems, heal irritable bowels, stop gastrointestinal distress in its tracks, alleviate depression, banish anxiety, and that's just the beginning.
I'll bet your doctor never told you to eat fermented foods. (though some might suggest a probiotic pill or capsule)
But wait a second...
You've probably had fermented food before. Have you ever had a glass of wine? A mug of beer? Enjoyed a slice of sourdough bread? Then you've eaten fermented food. Fermentation is a natural process that uses bacteria or yeast to break down carbohydrates and turn them into alcohols or acids. That's it. No that complicated, is it? But the effects can be profound.
The type of fermentation that produces most of the food we eat is lactic acid fermentation, produced by Lactobacilli. These beneficial bacteria are naturally present on almost all foods—and in the human body.
As mentioned above... fermentation and the use of fermented foods dates back thousands of years. Plus, archeological evidence of fermented beverages is found all over the globe - in the Caucasus mountains 8000 years ago, in Babylon and Persia 7000 years ago, in Egypt 5000 years ago, and in pre-Colombian Mexico 4000 years ago. The Egyptians have been eating sourdough bread for 2500 years, and fermented milk was a staple in Babylon 5000 years ago.
Sauerkraut, or fermented cabbage, goes back a long way, too. But contrary to popular belief, it wasn't the Germans who invented it. The Romans were actually one of the first cultures to make sauerkraut. During his military career, the Roman Emperor Tiberius took barrels of sauerkraut on long voyages. It wasn't just the fact that fermentation is a wonderful food preservative.
After all, he could have plundered and pillaged for food along the way instead of carrying it with him. But Tiberius insisted on bringing barrels of sauerkraut because it protected against common (and dreaded) intestinal troubles that were common to soldiers on long marches onto foreign soils.
It seems the world has, for centuries known the benefits of fermented foods.
Captain James Cook depended on sauerkraut, too, in the 1700's. He packed it among his food stores because, for some reason, it kept his sailors from dying of scurvy. Traditional sailor fare of hardtack and salted meat couldn't do that. (We now know it was the vitamin C in the sauerkraut that prevented the disease.)
History Is Full of "Fermented Foods" Saving The Day
If fermentation were just about preserving food, that in and of itself would be a great reason to do it. But the value of fermentation goes far beyond that. Tiberius knew it. So did Captain Cook. As did the ancient Egyptians, Romans, and hundreds of other cultures throughout time.
But in today's fast food culture, fermented foods have all but sunk into obscurity. And the food and drug companies are perfectly content to keep it that way.
Most importantly, fermentation isn't just about preserving foods. It's about preserving health.
So let's not beat around the bush: we're a nation filled with unhealthy people. The majority of American adults are now overweight. Chronic diseases related to inflammation have skyrocketed in recent years.
Many believe that as we've strayed from the wholesome, farm-fresh foods our grandparents and great-grandparents ate... including the homemade fermented sauerkraut and pickles... we've gotten sicker and sicker.
Allergies and autoimmune diseases are on the rise. Interestingly, many seem to overweight and malnourished at the same time. Depression and anxiety are rampant. Quality sleep is harder and harder to come by. We could go on and on.
Mainstream medicine has a pill for just about anything that ails us... but they're only interested in managing symptoms... not fixing the root cause. (They want repeat customers, after all.)
If you don't want to keep giving doctors and drug companies all your money, making just one change can make all the difference. You see, there's a common thread linking so many of the illnesses and health problems that millions of people suffer from every day.
It's all about the gut.
If your gut isn't healthy, you aren't healthy. Think about it. Your gut is a delicate ecosystem. Your intestines are teeming with different species of bacteria... and believe it or not, they're essential for good health. In fact, you have ten times the amount of bacteria in your gut than you do cells in your entire body! Doesn't it make sense that you want all that bacteria to be your ally and not your enemy? Plus, know this...
All Vitamin And Minerals Must Pass Though The Gut!
The good bacteria make sure that the environment in your gut is perfect for maximum nutrient absorption. Every vitamin, every mineral, every micro-nutrient that you take in must go through your gut. And, If nutrients aren't absorbed properly, you get little to no benefits.
Imagine this: you have a very important package to deliver. Maybe that package is calcium, needed for the body to build strong bones. Or beta carotene, to help the eyes see more clearly. You have to walk through the neighborhood to the postal station, where your package will then be sent to where it's needed.
If the neighborhood is filled with thugs, troublemakers, and muggers, you might never even get the package to the postal office. It could be destroyed before it can reach its destination.
That's the way it works in your gut. Bad species of bacteria and the other inflammation promoters really are thieves and muggers!
As long as the good guys outnumber the bad, vital nutrients can be metabolized and sent where they're most needed.
When you eat fermented food, you're increasing the population of "good guys." In fact, fermented food not only makes more of the nutrients in your food available to you, but... fermented foods actually creates new nutrients.
As the microbial cultures that make fermentation possible go through their life cycle, they actually make essential nutrients like folic acid... riboflavin... niacin... thiamin... biotin... and even omega 3 fatty acids!
But here's the thing: many people have a "gut ecology" where the bad guys have been allowed to gain the upper hand. And that leads to a downward spiral of discomfort and disease.
The modern lifestyle puts us at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to healthy gut flora. The main culprit, of course, is the food we eat. It kills off our bacterial allies... and allows our bacterial enemies to flourish.
We put crazy, unpronounceable chemicals into our food - things like butylated hydroxyanisole... monosodium glutamate... Propyl gallate... Potassium bromate... N-chloro tosylamide ... and hundreds more. In addition to mixing in all those chemicals, we pasteurize the food, irradiate it, or freeze it. Do you think that's doing your gut any good?
Americans Today Consume Way Too Many Toxins
Vital enzymes, good bacteria, and even many vitamins don't stand a chance against the unnatural assaults of today's fast food industry. And the "food" that ends up on your plate after it's gone down the assembly line... does you no favors. Most of the food on your plate is sterile, dead, and of dubious nutritional value.
It's not just our diet, though. Our modern lifestyle has decimated the good bacteria. There are three "good bacteria killers" that are a part of everyday life for most of us.
#1: Antibiotic drugs
Ever wonder why a round of antibiotics gives you the runs? Because not only do the drugs kill the bad bacteria, they also kill the good. And that upsets your gut's delicate ecosystem. After a round of antibiotics, you have to start from scratch to rebuild the proper gut environment for the friendly bacteria.
#2: Chlorinated water
Chlorinated water has proved to be a lifesaving practice, destroying deadly germs in the water supply. That's why public water systems use it. But chlorine doesn't discriminate. It kills the good bacteria right along with the bad... and that means the water you drink and cook with is wiping out the vital good bacteria that you need.
#3: Antibacterial soap and hand sanitizer
It's almost impossible to find a liquid soap anymore that's just plain old soap. They're all "antibacterial" nowadays. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but it's backfired on us. More and more health experts are sounding the alarm that using products like these just encourages the growth of dangerous antibiotic resistant bacteria.
That's why fermented foods are so vital. They're probiotic. They help re-populate the good bacteria that our modern lifestyle strips out. And that's why fermented food is far superior to any chemical cocktail big Ag and big Pharma could ever cook up... or any so called "fortified food" the big food companies could ever concoct.
Here's the bottom line:
The Astonishing Gut-Brain Connection... And Why Probiotics From Fermented Foods
Are The Missing Link
The connection between fermented foods and gut health is pretty obvious. Study after study after study shows how important fermented foods are for healthy digestion. From constipation and diarrhea, to irritable bowels, to gas and bloating... fermented foods can conquer them all and keep everything functioning just as it should.
But here's something you may not know. The health of your gut is also directly linked to the health of your brain. Your gut is also known as "the second brain," or "the enteric brain." And with good reason. You actually have more of the neurotransmitters, like serotonin, in your gut than in your brain!
Now... some cutting-edge doctors are even prescribing fermented foods some patients with anxiety, depression, ADHD, and more. Here's what Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, one of the world's leading experts on the brain-gut connection, has to say.
"Any dysfunction of the brain is usually connected to what's going on in the digestive system. In Gut and Physiology Syndrome, we're talking about the functioning of the rest of the body. Hippocrates... made a statement that all diseases begin in the gut. The more we learn now with all our modern scientific tools, the more we realize just how correct he was."
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
More and more people who add fermented foods to their diet report that their anxiety goes away... depression disappears... and they're feeling more mentally sharp and more emotionally stable than they have in years.
The benefits of probiotic fermented foods don't stop there, however. The medical literature is filled with literally thousands of studies attesting to the health benefits of probiotics. Here are just a few of them:
We could fill reams of paper just listing the studies. It's clear that fermented foods can have a huge impact on your health. But there's one crucial thing you should know:
If you've ever had lacto-fermented sauerkraut made by the Amish, you've had the best sauerkraut on the planet. Typically made in small batches in Amish home kitchens, it used to be freely available... direct from farmers, at farmers' markets, and even in stores. The same goes for naturally fermented kefir, artisanal fermented cheeses, and more. But thanks to onerous government regulations, it's all but impossible to get naturally fermented foods commercially.
Sure, the grocery store may carry sauerkraut, or pickles, or yogurt... but here's why they aren't worth a penny.
Reason #1: Today, instead of traditional fermentation techniques, food manufacturers use chemicals. For instance, black olives that were traditionally created using fermentation are now instead treated with lye to remove the bitterness. Then they're packed in a solution of lactic acid, acetic acid, sodium benzoate, and potassium sorbate. They're not even close to the real thing.
Reason #2: Modern processing techniques actually lower the nutritional value of the food. Commercial sauerkraut and pickles - once naturally lacto-fermented - are now created using vinegar. While the vinegar might have been created using natural fermentation, the end result isn't anything like your grandmother's pickles. The newer vinegar treatment destroys nutrients instead of preserving (and even creating) them the way natural fermentation does.
Reason #3: Even if you can find naturally fermented foods at the supermarket, the manufacturers have taken extra steps to make sure no good bacteria are left. Before it leaves the processing facility, it will be subjected to high-heat pasteurization for your "safety." This kills off all the highly desirable lactic-acid producing bacteria. It destroys any chance that this particular food will confer any health benefits at all.
One of the most popular supplement categories today is probiotics. But are commercially available probiotic supplements really up to the job? When you buy a probiotic supplement, it's a crap-shoot. Here's why:
There's a reason fermented foods have been part of almost every culture for millennia. They contain the right kinds of living bacteria, plus the very nature of the fermented food ensures the bacteria remain effective even after long-term storage.
Even if you could find just the right probiotic supplement, getting your probiotics from fermented food makes more sense. You get essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that you don't get in a pill.
We are thrilled to release one of our newest publications, Fermentation Factor. This book puts control of fermented foods right back where it belongs - into the hands of the people. And at just $19.95, it's a bargain!
Fermentation Factor is packed with all the indispensable step-by-step information you need to ferment your own foods.
You'll get recipes for fermenting vegetables, singly or in combination, for:
Home-fermented kimchi is far superior to any you
could ever buy.
And let's not forget the wonderful fermented breads and breakfasts you can make, including:
(By the way, you'll also learn how to make five kinds of starter for those breads: sponge starter... grape starter... apple starter... potato starter... and pineapple starter.)
And of course, no manual on fermented food would be complete without fermented dairy. Fermented dairy has been part of numerous cultures for millennia, and still is today. It's a vital component of the diet of the Masai tribe in Africa, for instance. Central Asians consume kefir, fermented mare's milk, and fermented camel's milk. Europeans enjoy crème fraiche. Sadly, it's all but impossible to get this kind of quality fermented food commercially in the United States anymore. In Fermentation Factor, you'll get step-by-step instructions and recipes for making fermented dairy products, including:
These are the same dairy products, by the way, that government officials have forbidden dairy farmers from offering to their customers! You'll be able to make them in the privacy of your own home where the food police can't bother you.
You can even make fermented beverages. You may have heard of kombucha, a fermented tea that is growing in popularity because it confers so many health benefits. It made the news a short while back, because the government made stores pull it from their shelves.
It's not hard to make, but it is hard to get the starter to begin the fermentation process. In Fermentation Factor you'll get delicious alternatives to kombucha, like rejuvelac... root beer... cream soda... and ginger ale. Plus, you'll learn how to make fermented wines like T'ej (honey wine) and elderflower wine.
You'll also get step-by-step instructions and recipes for fermenting foods you probably never knew could be fermented! Foods like corned beef... mayonnaise... mustard... and more.
Fermentation Factor is packed with essential tips, like:
Now, more than ever, food security is becoming a real concern. Fortunately anyone, anywhere, can ferment their own food easily and safely, with no fancy equipment. Further, the benefits of fermented foods are far reaching. Here are four important reasons why Fermentation Factor should be in your personal off-the-grid library.
Reason #1: Skyrocketing food prices
Food prices are insane! And of course, the more “value added” to the product (that is, the more the manufacturer has done all the work for you), the more expensive. Compared to the poor (but expensive!) imitations of fermented food that you can buy at the store, do-it-yourself fermented food is downright cheap - especially if you use the produce from your own garden. (By the way, Fermentation Factor includes plenty of tips for growing your own.)
Reason #2: Diminishing availability in the marketplace
With the FDA raiding health food stores at gunpoint, shutting down cottage industries that produce artisanal foods, and telling stores to pull fermented foods from their shelves, it's getting harder and harder to find real traditional lacto-fermented food in the marketplace. It seems that once you ferret out a source, the food police are all over it.
Reason #3: Skyrocketing health care prices
Health care isn't getting any cheaper either. With higher premiums and new health insurance "cuts" ... seems like we don't even have "health care" in this country. We have sick care. If that's true... you're better off not getting sick at all... and by including fermented foods in your daily diet, you'll also increase your odds of being healthier.
Reason #4: An off-the-grid method of preserving healthy food
Electricity is already expensive, but in the next couple of years it's expected to skyrocket even more. If you make it a practice to can your food, you know how energy-intensive it can be. Whether you just want to save money on your electric bills, or have a fallback position in case the grid goes down, fermenting your food is a smart alternative.
If so, here's what you need to do right now.
Click the "Buy Now" button at the bottom of this page, and it will take you to our secure Fermentation Factor online order form.
Don't be denied world's most healthful food! By learning how to create your own fermented foods, you're also taking control of your health back from bureaucrats and sick-care providers. It's getting harder than ever to find these vital foods in the marketplace... so get started fermenting your own food right now with guidance from the Fermentation Factor!
Chip McDaniels, Warehouse Manager
Powerful Living
Only $19.95
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